Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Happy 1st Birthday, Grandson

Not that he reads this blog. Or, uhm at ALL as far as that goes, but the sentiment is there.

This picture is a few months old, but I lost my camera case which contained the cable that allows me to upload from my camera to the computer, so this is all I've got right now. Deal. He's still adorable, of course...not that I'm biased or anything. No, not me. He's just bigger now and has less hair since his first official hair cut last week.
Anyway. There it is. Happy birthday, Little Man. Coma loves you.


Cullen said...

What a cute kid. You're a lucky gammie, MM. ;)

Kate P said...

He's a cutie!

Maggie May said...

Thanks guys. I am a lucky gammie!

tracey said...

Oh, Sweet Moses, is that kid every CUTE!!

I eat him. Right NOW.


tracey said...

I meant "ever cute."

Good grief.