Wednesday, June 25, 2008

A Little Pick Me Up

A quick break from the story of Yute.

I went to the doctor yesterday to have some spots checked (I am a fair skinned strawberry-blonde, so comes with the territory), and I asked her about this client of my firm's who passed away recently from esophageal cancer allegedly caused by acid reflux.

ACID REFLUX! that thing I struggle with all the time.

Is this really possible? Should I be concerned.

Her response...UHM, yes, Dummy! Okay, she didn't really call me dumb, but she was thinking it. Then she goes on to tell me I need to make some lifestyle changes, starting with the elimination of caffeine from my diet.

Uhm, excuse me? What did you say?


She wasn't kidding. Apparently it is a significant contributor to acid reflux.

Oh, and I need to lose weight. Well, duh!

Sooooo...this is day two of no caffeine, and I have a question. HOW DO YOU CAFFEINE-FREE PEOPLE STAY AWAKE?

Seriously...HOW? I need help here people. I don't want to die of esophageal cancer, but damn, I'm sleepy! HELP ME!


Anonymous said...

Geez Maggie! Now I am thinking I should give up caffiene. My grandfather and his aunt died of esophageal cancer so it's in my family anyway. I had no idea caffiene could contribute. Bob had to give up caffiene for a while once. After the first week or so he was ok. Hang in there and let your system adjust.

Anonymous said...

Sugar. Sweet, sweet sugar. That's the answer.

(Just kidding. I think it's actually that there are biochemical/physiological differences between people who NEEEEEEEED caffeine and people like me who cannot tolerate it.

I do think it can be adjusted to - my dad drank coffee for years until his cardiologist said it wasn't good for him, and he gave it up then and he managed.)

Was it caffeine in general, or coffee the doc was concerned about? I know lots of people who have horrible acid reflux from coffee but who replaced it with Coke. (Of course, unless you drink diet Coke - which has its own toxins - then you have to deal with the added calories in your diet - but that might be a solution.)

Anonymous said...

Next time your energy drops, skip the caffeine.
You're better off grabbing fruit, nuts, or beans, says Steven Pratt, M.D., coauthor of SuperFoodsRx Diet (Rodale, 2008). These foods boost energy more effectively because they contain vitamins, minerals, and other nutrients that combat inflammation, support your immune system, and help you recover faster from exercise, explains Pratt.

The beans may have a counter effect but then no one will come into your office and you can nap at will.

Kate P said...

Yikes. Can you cut back and/or switch to low-acid coffee? At least to begin with? I'm not one for the cold turkey approach.

Maggie May said...

Thanks for the advice! It isn't coffee only, but all caffeine including, GULP, chocolate.

Coffee isn't even my drug of choice. I get my caffeine via soda or tea. I have a major addiction to Dr. Pepper.

I am on day 4 of no caffiene, and am fighting my way through the afternoon headaches. Once I shake the addiction, I think I can have a moderate amount. Just not like I was.

I have to admit, the acid reflux is 100% improved since I have stopped drinking the stuff, and have been more faithful than normal in taking my meds.

Go figure.