Tuesday, July 17, 2007

The Blogger Protection Program

I have resurfaced, but as a new member of the blogger protection program, my name and identity have been changed to protect the...well, me.

I had a blog once before, that became infiltrated by people I did not want reading it. The trials of that episode continue. I cannot link to that blog in any way, lest I be discoverd.

So now here I am...a new woman. Changed both figuratively and literally.

My new name is the name that would have been my actual name, had I been born a few years later. I live somewhere in the U.S., and I work in a professional environment at a firm I will call Dimple, Unitas and Harold (affectionately known as DUH). I have a husband, whom I will call my Chosen One (CO), three kids, Orin, Marvin and Yute (oldest, middle and youngest).

Many things about my character have been called into question this week. It has been an interesting time of introspection. I have come to the astonishing conclusion that I am not perfect (okay, not so astonishing really, but...). I have flaws and weaknesses and insecurities that I occasionally try to hide with humor and sarcasm, if not outright denial. I am outspoken and opinionated. Even though I am generally considered a smart person, I sometimes do stupid things.

But I can also be kind and compassionate. I am loyal to those I think are deserving of it, and I am forgiving of those I think are deserving of it (the criteria for which is usually an apology). I am capable of love and affection, and am generally honest about my thoughts and feelings...even when these are negative. I have, and would, make sacrifices for people I love.

I believe in minimizing hypocrisy, but I don't believe anyone can eliminate it entirely. I set standards for myself and others, that I often fail to achieve myself. We all make mistakes, but I admit when I am wrong (although it is a rare, rare occasion...insert wink here), and I apologize when I should.

I make fun of people in my blogs...but the person who takes the brunt of my abuse is myself. I also get angry in my blogs, and if you are on the receiving end of that anger, you have likely done something for which you should apologize. But, I also write kind, heartfelt things about the people I care about. Each of these things is as true as the next. They are not mutually exclusive. Just because a person does something I can find humor in, or something that makes me angry, does not mean that they don't do good things that can make me smile as well.

And I believe this applies to myself, too. I do things people laugh at (but I can usually laugh at myself, so very little humor offends me), and I do things to make them mad. I don't think this should undo or outweigh any good things I have done.

I don't think these traits make me too different from anyone else. No better...no worse. Nor do I claim my opinions, thoughts or feelings are better than anyone else's. They just are what they are.

One last item...this blog will be made up of my words, and my words alone. If I quote someone, then they said it, but all other thoughts and opinions are solely mine. I don't claim that anyone else shares them. If you don't like something I say, or disagree with my position, feel free to comment, or to stop reading. The choice is yours. This is an exercise in free speech, so nothing anyone says here is wrong.

I will probably regret this at some point, given recent history, but I will invite some people I know to read this blog. I want it, however, to be untraceable to me (if you know what happened before, then you will understand why). If you comment, please don't use my name, or any of my family members names in your commentary. For this reason, all comments will now go into moderation before being published. I am not trying to silence your voice. If no proper names are used (other than your own), then I will publish your comment, even if I don't agree with it.

Are we good? Good. And speaking of good...it's good to be back.


Cullen said...

Glad you're back up and running. Thanks for the invite.

Anonymous said...

Good to have you back. It has been lonely without you. Hang in there.
Don't let the crazies get you down.

shannon said...


Hi, Wise Ass! Good to see you. And good to see you're not letting anyone keep you down.

Power To The Wise Asses!

Anonymous said...

Yea! Glad to see you're back. Hope everything calms down for you soon.

nightfly said...

Welcome back! It's good to have you out here - may your troubles remain left behind.