Monday, December 15, 2008

December Insanity

I have not fallen off the planet. I have, however, been busier than I have ever before been in the month of December...and that's sayin' somethin'.

Last week I had to give an hour and a half presentation for a bunch of CPAs. Two hours before the presentation started, I found out the other presenter had hurt his back carrying a Christmas tree, and I had to pinch hit his portion of the presentation (for which I had not prepared). An hour and a half turned into a three hour presentation, and my calm turned into panic.

In addition to this presentation, since we last "spoke" I have attended one board meeting, a club meeting and four office meetings. I have prepared tax projections ad naseum for some clients, been involved in a cloak and dagger incident (I'll tell you later), and had to handle my regular work.

I have also attended two Christmas parties, one play (A Christmas Carol...of course), prepared my house for guests (my parents...who are now here), and spent a day at Disneyland with CO, the parents, kids and grandkids.

Notice I have not mentioned any shopping, baking, or other required holiday activities. 10 shopping days to go, and I am so screwed. Thank God Disneyland was part of their Christmas present, but I am still in big trouble.

And my Christmas tree still has no ornaments on it! Sheesh!

Needless to say, this is why I have not posted...or even read anyone else's blog for that matter. I'd say I'll do better this week, but with only 10 shopping days to go, that would be a big fat lie.

10! T-E-N! Holy crap! I have to go buy something. Or wrap something. Or bake something. Or decorate something.

Or something.

1 comment:

Cullen said...

Last night we had an "Oh shit!" moment when we realized we still needed to finish the shopping off for Daughter Number 1.

Let me tell you, salvation can be found, sistah!

Cheap one-day shipping.
