Monday, August 11, 2008

I'm Back

I have returned from my vacation...a trip to visit family in the mid-west. I had a great visit with everyone, drank too much, ate too much, shopped too much, and laughed...well, you can never really laugh too much, can you? Anyway, it was lovely. Even the weather cooperated, and we only had one really disgustingly humid, hot day.

Unfortunately, I had to come back to work. I had left three specific projects to one of my staff to complete while I was gone. Two of these were one shot deals...things that needed to be taken care of at a meeting I missed. I returned to find that none of the three projects had been properly completed. My staff "forgot."

He forgot.

I likely won't.

Anyway...I'm back.

I feel like it's been years since I've had anything meaningful to say here. Maybe one of these days I will feel inspired to write a blog that is more than an update or an announcement or an apology. We'll see.

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