Thursday, May 22, 2008

Rockin' AND Rollin'

Did anyone else notice all of the new commercials last night during the American Idol finale? It must be second only to the Super Bowl for new advertising...and the cost of those spots too, I'm sure.

The water cooler talk around the office today has been all about the Guitar Hero ads channeling the Risky Business theme. That was genius! At least the David Cook's version was genius. Maybe because he plays the actual guitar, it had more impact, and he seemed to "get" the scene more than Archuletta, who has most likely never seen that movie. What good little Mormon parents would let their underage son watch a movie about pimpin', not to mention the fact that the movie was made eight years before Archie was even born.

Anyway the commercial was great. I might have to go out an buy Guitar Hero now. Oh wait! I already own it...along with Guitar Hero II...and III. Okay, so it's a guilty pleasure of mine. This commercial just makes me feel better about it. My granddaughter takes out the guitar and pretends to play along with me. She bangs her little head like a pro, and says "Comma Rocks!"

Comma...she calls me Comma. Hey...she's two.

Speaking of commercials, has anyone noticed the roller skates in several commercials lately? Roller skates...not blades. Are these finally cool again? Oh, I hope so! I was a kid in the 70's, when roller skating was teh awesome!

I used to go to Roller City, with my BFF Cindy. I can still see that place in my head...the disco ball, the blue and white tiled floor around the snack bar, and the little "pro" shop with the killer white boot skates in the window. I always rented skates...and they were always tan. Tan rental skates with big opaque rust-colored wheels and stoppers. I so badly wanted a pair of those white boot skates with the pretty transparent wheels...the cool girls used to wear them with pom poms that matched their outfits.

My friends and I would make the pom poms for our tennis shoes, but I never had white boot skates to tie them on. I did eventually get a pair of skates that looked like tennis shoes (they were blue with yellow stripes on the side, and big yellow wheels), which were cool too, but not as kick ass as the white boots. Just LOOK at them.

You can almost hear the Bee Gees playing in the background, can't you?

If I had white boot skates, I'd go home right now and put them on...and play Guitar Hero. Then I would REALLY rock!

Until I fell on my ass.

1 comment:

Cullen said...

The thing in this post that got me most is that your granddaughter is already two!

I too loved the Guitar Hero commercials. I thought, like you, that David Cook looked natural and Archie just looked strained.