Tuesday, January 29, 2008

It Had to Be Me

After the week I have had so far, this actually did NOT surprise me, but...

I came in my office this morning, and my desk was covered with ants. ANTS! They were everywhere, but mostly on my iced tea glass, which yesterday had been filled with Arizona Sweet Tea. I rinsed it out before I left last night, but I didn't wash it. Apparently, those little buggers could still smell some residual sugar.

I spent the better part of an hour cleaning up ants in my office, and the rest of the day (so far) killing the stragglers.

After lunch, I poured myself my afternoon glass of sweet tea, with the knowledge that the glass would be thoroughly washed before I leave tonight. Okay. Fine.

I get back to my desk and remember my coaster is in the kitchen drying from the morning scrub down. No biggie. I'll just use my coffee coaster. It is one of those with the scented beads in it that leave off a nice cinnamon smell when warmed by the coffee mug. Yeah, apparently those are only built for a squat coffee mug, and not so much for a tall glass. Different center of gravity and all. Before I had even taken a single sip, the damn glass tips over.

All over.

All over the desk, me and...the carpet. The brand new office carpet that was installed only two Saturdays ago.

For seven work days, I have been tip-toeing around here, meticulously wiping my feet, carefully carrying my beverage of choice, wondering who was going to be the first person to spill on the brand new carpet.

I should have known. Seriously. I should have KNOWN. It HAD to be me.

And of course to add insult to injury, the ants LOVE this stuff. Now it is all over my carpet.

The only consolation is that I had a honking huge roll of paper towels and some spray cleaner in my office, so I jumped on the spill before it had time to really set in. And it is under my desk, so it isn't really noticeable.

AND the office manager did NOT see me do this.

Technically, I am her boss, but all technicality aside, the woman is terrifying. NO ONE wants to cross her. EVER. I certainly did not want to tell her I spilled tea...sweet tea...on the brand new carpet...in the very area the ants were inhabiting.

Don't ask, don't tell...that's my motto.

Shhhh. I think I hear her dulcet tones coming down the hall. If I never post again, you will know why. Goodbye my friends!

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