Monday, August 20, 2007

Crouching Budget Hidden Costs

As one of the trade-offs for not moving, CO and I decided to do some home renovations, to make ourselves feel better about staying. So we decided what we wanted to do, then whittled that down to what we could afford to do...or should I say what we thought we could afford to do.

Why does everything cost more than you thought it should...even after you had done research to come up with the budget amount in the first place?

Oh, and there are always those items that were not in the a vet bill which left my already small budget $526 lighter. Hmmmph!

The worst of it is, I have no patience with this stuff. Once I get the vision in my head, I want it to look like that now...not next year, NOW! Unfortunately, my bank account does not subscribe to the vision in my head.

And the work and the mess just suck. I know it will be nice when it is done, but meanwhile...ugh!


Anonymous said...

Remodeling totally sucks! But take it from someone who had to cook (in the microwave, electric skillet and crockpot) in her dining room and wash dishes in her bathtub for a couple really is great once it's done!

Cullen said...

Tell me about it, MM. Moving into a home where everything needs to be renovated, and with no budget to do any of it, it's amazingly frustrating.

And we have yet to prioritize. So, I have problems buying anything, from an $8 door knob to replace the broken one on the pantry door, to a new dishwasher.

Someday I'll be on top of all this. And then it'll be time to move.

Anonymous said...

Yeah- you would think I would learn... did the kitchen last year, putting in a new tile shower this year. I was going to do it all at once last year but knew I wouldn't get through both at the same time.
I hate all the choices, I just want one option and pick out a color but nnnnooooo, now with the bathroom, went in to see what was available thinking tile is tile no there's ceramic, porcelain, glass, who are these evil people that think of this stuff, so I am pouting and haven't made a decision. Sweet husband is "whatever you want- I just take showers don't care what it looks like" Guess I should be glad he baths on a regular basis.