Monday, August 6, 2007


You know things happen to make you feel sorry for yourself. And then things happen to make you stop.

My friend's granddaughter went in to have some skin cancer spots removed from her face. Once they started the process, they realized it was much worse than anticipated. She has now had a large portion of her face removed, including tissue, nerves and bone. The nerves that allow her to smile have been removed from her face, so no longer can she perform that essential function we all take for granted.

That's not even the worst part. The worst part is, she hasn't got much to smile about. After all of this, they have now determined the cancer has spread to her brain, and it may not be operable.

Oh wait, that isn't even the worst part. The very worst part...she is 24 years old.

Makes most of our problems seem insignificant by comparison, doesn't it?

1 comment:

nightfly said...

Once again - cancer can eff the eff off.