Saturday, September 8, 2007

Bliss the form of a hot shower! And in the form of a CO who can handle household repairs!

Hot water is now a close second behind indoor plumbing on my list of modern conveniences I couldn't live without. It gets more competitive from there.

I am also grateful for (in no particular order) refrigeration, television, telephones (specifically cell phones), personal computers, the Internet, washing machines and dryers, iPod, automobiles and electricity.

Ahhh...more bliss!


michele said...

Congratulations! :)

Anonymous said...

I'm glad to hear you have hot water.

I guess my list would be:
indoor plumbing (especially the sewer-kind)
heat/air conditioning (I live in a climate that can get pretty extreme. I would be DEAD without a/c)
an easy way to cook indoors (like, that doesn't involve coal or wood)
electric lights

other techie stuff is further down on that list. I'd have to also list a good bed and books pretty high, maybe even co-equal with indoor plumbing.

Cullen said...

Very glad you're back in hot-water-ness.