Friday, September 21, 2007

Office Restroom Etiquette

I just came out of the bathroom at work...and there was a floaty turd in there. Soemone actually left that for one of their co-workers to discover. How thoughtful.

Here's the thing...we only have bathrooms in our office. Single rooms, like the one in your house. No stalls with multiple toilets, but one single solitary toilet. This seems to make people feel like they are at home, and act accordingly.

Using the bathroom at work is NOT the same thing as using the bathroom at home. IT. IS. NOT. THE. SAME.

To try to further explain my meaning, I have drafted up a set of rules to hang on the wall of the office bathroom. Tell me what you think:

1) There is only one...ONE bathroom, for all of the people in this office. A line is forming as we speak. HURRY THE FUCK UP!

2) In other words, LEAVE the newspaper in the break room. You do not live here! Reading in the bathroom is NOT appropriate!

3) If you suspect that, newspaper or no, you will NOT be able to hurry, consider using the public restrooms upstairs. There are stalls there, so even if you decide to homestead in one of them, there are other stalls available. Doesn't it make more sense for you to be slightly inconvenienced by going upstairs, than making the five people waiting in line miss their entire break, then STILL have to trek upstairs in the end? Doesn't it? Oh, I's all about you, isn't it?

4) If you break rules 1 through 3...light a damn match!

5) Make sure the toilet seat is clean when you are finished, and that everything you put into the toilet flushes down it. I don't need, nor want, to see what you've spent twenty minutes doing in there.

Failure to comply with these rules may result in a well deserved ass-kicking. While Management believes these rules should be self-evident, they reserve the right to add to these rules at they deem neccessary. Thank you. Have a nice potty.


Anonymous said...

I hear ya Maggie! Good luck with those rules. I work in an office with one other woman and the rest are all men. For the first 7 years I worked there we had ONE bathroom with ONE toilet. The men were terrible about making sure everything was flushed. Since it's a construction business it's a pretty loose office. I tried everything including announcing to everyone else who the offender was but nothing worked. These men have no shame whatsoever.
Just this summer we remodeled and I am now upstairs by myself with my own bathroom. It is BLISS!

Anonymous said...

I love the rules. I think you should post them for at least one day. Come on I double dog dare you.

I also like how Lori said she works in a loose office given the subject matter. HA HA