Friday, September 28, 2007

Comfort Music

I had my iPod on random, but it was playing a bunch of stuff I wasn't in the mood for. I kept skipping. Finally, I took a few minutes to create a playlist with just what I am in the mood for today. It got me thinking. We have comfort food, comfort clothes, why not comfort music?

I am feeling kind of blah today. I'm not sick. I'm not depressed. But it is a gloomy day outside, and I am facing a weekend of working on a huge, ugly project, so I guess I am in search of a certain kind of music to go along with that feeling.

I don't want sad...I am NOT depressed, and sad music may just send me into it. So no easy listening, I want to slit my wrists but all I have is a plastic knife kind of stuff.

But neither do I want to hear anything too happy and rockin', or I may get the urge to actually have fun this weekend instead of staying chained to this desk. Sadly, I have no time for the distraction of fun.

Also, I need something I can sing along to...something to keep me interested and awake, but not too excited.

In other words...comfort music.

So with the criteria of upbeat, but not too fun, sing along, comforting memories type stuff, I compiled my comfort music list. Here are the primary artists I selected:

The Eagles
The Four Seasons
Elvis Presley
Kenny Rogers
The Grass Roots
Neil Diamond
The Beach Boys
Bruce Springsteen
Buddy Holly
John Denver
Three Dog Night

There are a few single songs on the list, but mostly these guys. Go ahead...make fun if you want, but frankly, I am diggin' it! It was exactly what I needed.

Now if I could only listen to it in my jammies and comfy socks with a bowl of mashed potatoes in front of a fire, I'd be the comfort queen!

What is YOUR comfort music?


Anonymous said...

I would have to agree with several of your choices and throw in some Bob Seger and Lynyrd Skynyrd.

Anonymous said...

Oh yeah and I canNOT forget the Beatles and Elton John!

Maggie May said...

Good suggestions, Lori. I Seger and Elton John. Oh, and some Tom Petty, too.

Maggie May said...

That should say I ADDED Seger...

It is late and I am still at work, so I am entitling myself to a typo.

Don't ask me what my excuse is the rest of the time.