Thursday, February 21, 2008

Idol Chit Chat...12 Girls

I don't have much to say about the girls. As is my way, I prefer male singers to female, and thus, my favorite Idol is always a man. Personally, I didn't think the girls were all that great, but my opinion should probably be discounted.

If pressed, I would pick Syesha and Asiah (I can't remember where the apostrophe in her name goes, and I am just too lazy to look ot up so...). Amanda the rocker chick was okay, but I couldn't really hear her for being distracted by the crazy hair. I don't get the Carly Smithson thing AT ALL, and I think it is bogus that she is on the show after already tanking a record deal, so I wouldn't vote for her, even if she was da bomb. Everyone else was pretty forgettable.

What is Ryan's deal with being such a little brat? He thanks everyone at the end of the show but Simon? Ryan can delude himself all he wants, but Simon is the star of that show. Not the dawg, not the drunk, and not the junior prom queen also known as Ryan. I know Ryan is often rude and disrespectful to Simon, but this early in the season? I am bored with it already.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I think the guys are the group to watch this season.