Saturday, February 23, 2008

Stuck in the Middle With You

Every year, for the past, oh I'd say five years or so, I have ranted about one intern or another...and this year is no exception.

We have three interns this year, who I will call Clown, Apple and Joker. I have many gripes about Clown, which I will save for another day, and a few about Joker, which are minor. So far, Apple has been stuck somewhere in the middle of Clown and Joker in both performance and annoyance.

You can see where I'm going with this.

Of course like any intern, dear, precious Apple was unhappy with the clowns to the left and jokers to the right, so she had to do something to unstick herself from the middle. So what does she do to distinguish herself?

She falls asleep at her desk. I am talking face down, drooling on the files asleep.

Okay, so I don't actually know if she was drooling...but she was definitely face down on the desk sleeping. Anyway, she sits right by the bathroom, so suffice it to say she was seen by more than one person...which in this office means everyone knows about it.

One of my fellow managers came and told me I should go wake her and explain to her that it is inappropriate to sleep at her desk.

Excuse me...explain to her?

Do I really need to wake her and tell her it is not okay to sleep at her desk? Isn't that self-evident? Shouldn't she know this already? Didn't nap time end in Kindergarten?

Will I ever stop asking questions?

Uhm, yes. To all of those.

One of the staff tried making excuses for her, saying "Maybe she was on her lunch hour." To which I replied, "Then she should go sleep in her car." By the way, we live in a temperate climate where it is neither too cold nor too hot to sleep in your car in February. I wasn't condemning the girl to a nap in 5 degree weather.

He came back with, "You don't understand. You have an office where you can close the door if you need to."

I agreed that, yes, this was true, but I reminded him that I earned that office. How you might ask? Well, for starters, back in the days when I did sit in a cube, I DIDN'T FALL ASLEEP AT MY DESK!

Have I just gotten old and out of touch? Am I expecting too much here? Whatcha think?

Generation ME strikes again! I am afraid we truly are stuck in the middle with them!


Cullen said...

So, did you stick her hand in warm water and make her pee herself?

Anonymous said...

You know, I've wondered for years if that was actually true? Never been in a position to try it out on someone...

But yeah. "Generation ME." Saints preserve us. I've had students TELL me (not ask me, TELL me) that they're going on vacation, so I need to schedule a time they can make up the exam they're going to miss. I've had people tell me they "deserve" more time to do an assignment (that no one else complained about) because they had to work or babysit or something (this on an assignment they have a week to do, and that takes a total of maybe 1/2 hour). I've had people skip appointments they made with me - early morning appointments, because their schedules were too busy for anything later in the day - because they "didn't feel like getting out of bed."

Now, barring real illness (I have a friend with fibromyalgia so I can understand sometimes hurting an awful lot - but SHE manages to get out of bed and get to work), none of those excuses cut it.

I fear our generation will never be able to retire - not so much because of money concerns, but because the economy would grind to a screeching halt.

Anonymous said...

Oh, and I'm going to be singing that song in my head all day now. Thanks a lot.