Thursday, February 28, 2008

Religious NON-Rant

I always rant when I am bugged by religious issues, so to be fair, I should tell you when it's good, right?

Last night at work, several of my co-workers launched into a religious discussion. It wasn't so much doctrine, as ritual that we discussed (although there was a bit of doctrine in the way of explanation). We had a practicing Catholic, Mormon and Seventh Day Adventist on hand, and we discussed the varying bans on things...meat (on Fridays or every day), caffeine, alcohol, birth control, etc.

It was a wonderful and informative discussion, where questions were asked and answered. No one criticized, no one got offended, no one was defensive, no one was simply information sharing. People were even laughing here and there...not at anyone, but with them.

It is nice to be reminded of the good people who practice religion. I get this a lot from my blog friends, but not as much in my real life, so this was incredibly refreshing for me.

Just thought I'd say so.

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