Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Idol Chit Chat...Top 9

Mom: "It was Dolly Parton night."

Me (two time zones behind her): "Country night, or just Dolly Parton?"

Mom: "They all sang Dolly Parton songs."

Me: "I only know the one song."

Mom: "9 to 5?"

Me: "Oh, okay two I guess."

Mom: "Jolene?"

Me: "No. I don't know that one."

Mom: "Yes you do."

Me: "I don't."

Mom: "You do!"

Me (silently to myself): "No I DON'T!"

An hour later in front of the tv:

Brooke White: "Jolene..."

Me: "Oh crap. I know this song."


And surprisingly, I knew several more.

Again David Cook and Michael Johns were aces. I thought Brooke was good too. I am really liking her. She seems like a very genuinely nice person.

Carly was eh. Kristy Lee was also eh...and this is her thing. Not a good omen.

Shyesha hit the big note, and I didn't think she was going to, but still she should not have attempted it.

When, oh when, is Ramielle's mediocrity going to send her away?

David A. and know they keep ragging on Jason for sounding the same week after week (which is true), but they never say anything to David about his same 'ol same 'ol-ness. No, instead they praise him. He is B-O-R-I-N-G! All he sings are pop ballads. He is the Michael Bolton of the teenage set. The single time he has deviated from the ballad norm, he sucked it up.

He can sing fine I guess, but I wouldn't cross the street to listen to him, much less buy anything he sold. Is this what they think American wants to hear? Maybe that's why few of the Idols have had stellar sales, Carrie Underwood, Kelly Clarkson and Chris Daughtry not withstanding. Of course those three don't put people into a coma when they sing either.

Perhaps it's me. Maybe I am out of touch with what the young folk like, but I have a hard time thinking it is this drivel. I would much rather hear Jason's repetitive reggae-ish sound over and over than David A.'s tired old ballads.

At least he didn't scold us this week. I guess Dolly isn't very political, and he couldn't find a song of social awareness in her repertoire. Thank God! He must have been bitterly disappointed, not being able to tell us all how to behave.

End rant.

Bottom three (a prediction of what it will be, not what it should be): Shyesha, Ramielle and Kristy Lee, with Shyesha going home. It should be Ramielle, but it won't.

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